tailieunhanh - Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 33

The Accelerated Syllabus also requires 80 hours, but it is possible to complete it in half the number of weeks by making a commitment to studying about ten hours each week. Accel¬erated means last." This calendar does not include time for review. | 218 REVIEW OF TOEFL IBT SECTIONS STUDY PLAN What did you learn from taking the quiz What will you do differently when you take the model tests in the next chapter Take a few minutes to think and then write a sentence or two to help you revise your study plan. EXTRA CREDIT After you have completed this chapter you may want to continue a review of reading. Here are some suggestions. Practice reading on a computer screen. Reading on a computer screen is different from reading on a page. First there is generally less text visible. Second you must scroll instead of turning pages. Finally there may be quite a few icons or other distracting visuals surrounding the passage. To become comfortable with reading on a computer screen you should take advantage of every opportunity you have to practice. If you have a computer spend time reading on the screen. Everything you read will help you improve this new skill. Practice reading the kinds of topics that you will find In the Reading section. The reading passages are similar to the information that you will find in textbooks from general courses taught in colleges and universities during the first two years. If you can borrow English language textbooks read passages from natural sciences social sciences the humanities and the arts. The kinds of passages in encyclopedias are usually at a reading level slightly below that of textbooks but they offer an inexpensive way to obtain a lot of reading material for different content areas. If you have access to the Internet free encyclopedias are available online. An encyclopedia on CD-ROM is another option which you may be able to use at a local library. If you purchase an encyclopedia on CD-ROM an edition from a previous year will be cheaper and just as useful for your purposes. ADVISOR S OFFICE If your body is relaxed your mind can relax more easily. During the TOEFL examination. if you find yourself pursing your lips frowning and tightening your shoulders then use a few seconds to .