tailieunhanh - Molecular Biology Problem Solver 57

Molecular Biology Problem Solver 57. Sách được nhiều nhà khoa học có uy tín, nhiều kinh nghiệm trong nghiên cứu thực nghiệm trình bày những vấn đề thường hay phát sinh trong phòng thí nghiệm. Do vậy mà sách không trình bày các protocol hay quy trình như các sách khác, thay vào đó các tác giả sẽ trình bày các vấn đề nhằm giúp giúp đọc giả: Tự nâng cao khả năng chẩn đoán nguyên nhân khi gặp các vấn để về kỹ thuật, quy trình, hóa chất, thuốc thử trong quá trình thực nghiệm trong phòng thí. | Ink for marking lab materials 136 Inoculating loops proper handling of 120-121 Inoculation of experimental animals 128-129 Insect cell system baculovirus versus 523 for eukaryotic expression 521524 selecting 525-527 transfer vectors for 524-525 Institutions radioisotopes for 144 Intact sample preparation for polymerase chain reactions 311 International Air Transport Association IATA radioactive shipment regulations by 153 Iodine radioisotopes 161 autoradiography film and 438 439- 440 shielding for 163 Ionic detergents for native PAGE 355 Ionic strength differences in buffering 36 IPG immobilized pH gradient gels 346-347 pH gradients for 366-368 Isoelectric focusing IEF detergents for 354-355 PAGE versus 346-348 Isopotential point with pH meters 81 82 Isopropanol as disinfectant 131 in DNA extraction 189 Isopycnic centrifugation 56 rotors for 57 Isoschizomers restriction enzymes as 227 Junctions cleaning 91 in pH meters 78-79 80 91 Kennedy Michele A. 49 67 Keratin electrophoresis band from skin 368 k-factor of fixed angle rotors 59-61 Kirkpatrick Robert 491 Kracklauer Martin 197 Kruger Greg 11 Lab coats for biosafety 118 Labeling in hybridization experiments 403- 409 409- 413 Labeling strategies 409- 413 Label location of radioisotopes 146 Labels for autoradiography film 438- 440 hybridization efficiency and 408409 hybridization temperature and 424 incorporated into probes 407- 408 incorporation efficiency of 412- 413 potency of 412 signal duration from 407 Laboratory Acquired Infections Collins Kennedy 115 Laboratory Information Management System LIMS 95 Laboratory measurements with pH meters 90 Lab shower for biosafety 119 Laemmli buffer system for native PAGE 349-350 Latex gloves for biosafety 119 Lead as shielding 163 Leaks in electrophoresis apparatus 368 in enzyme shipments 259 in pipettes 69 71-72 from prokaryotic promoters 464 in water systems 46-47 Leishmania as biohazard 128 Leishmania donovani as biohazard 114 Leverage through sales representatives 17-18