PHOTOSHOP CS4 DOWN & DIRTY TRICKS- P12: These chapter intros are all named after either song titles, movies, or TV shows, and this chapter is named after the song “Miracle Photo,” by a band called Ruth (which is an all-guy band, which is what makes the name cool, right? Because if it was an all-guy band and they named it Mike, it would sound totally uncool, unless of course, no one in the band was named Mike, which would then make the name cool again. | dirtv TRICKS STEP NINE Next go under the Filter menu under Sketch and choose Halftone Pattern. Set the Size to 2 and the Contrast to 0. From the Pattern Type pop-up menu choose Line then click OK. Then at the top of the Layers panel set this layer s blend mode to Soft Light to blend it with the original yellow orange shape. STEP 10 Load the shape as a selection as we did in Step Eight create a new layer then go under the Edit menu and choose Stroke. Set the Width to 10 pixels click on the color swatch to open the Color Picker enter R 0 G 111 B 220 and then click OK. Finally set the Location of the stroke to Center and click OK. Next choose Bevel and Emboss from the Add a Layer Style icon s popup menu at the bottom of the Layers panel. Enter 250 for the Depth and 3 for the Size. Then enter 29 for the Angle turn off the Use Global Light checkbox and enter an Altitude of 37 to get a more dimensional edge to the stroke. Click OK and then deselect. Inside Center Outside 316 Chapter 9 3D Effects STEP 11 Now we are going to create another shape based on our current shape. Click on the second shape layer Layer 2 and press Command-J PC Ctrl-J to make a duplicate. Click-and-drag that duplicate layer to the top of the layer stack and change its blend mode to Normal. Click on your Foreground color swatch and change it to the same blue you used for the stroke in the previous step. Commandclick PC Ctrl-click on the duplicate layer s thumbnail to select the shape and then fill it with your Foreground color. Go under the Select menu and choose Transform Selection. Grab the top-middle control handle press-andhold the Option PC Alt key and click-and-drag down toward the center of the shape. This will squeeze the selection vertically leaving parts of the shape unselected. Press Return PC Enter to commit the change then press Delete PC Backspace to knock out the selection and deselect. STEP 12 What you have now are two new shapes on a single layer that can be incorporated into this .