tailieunhanh - Photoshop Lab Color- P11

Photoshop Lab Color- P11: LAB has a reputation for enormous power, yet virtually all reference materials that advocate its use illustrate its capabilities with a single class of image. This chapter introduces the basic LAB correction method and explains why it is so extraordinarily effective. if you happen to have a picture of a canyon. | Once for Color Once for Contrast 301 have them a blend won t change things. If not the blend by definition will bring them closer. Thus the blend isn t troubled by neutrals that are wrong at some darknesses and right elsewhere. Red objects are more common than any other kind. Any such object needs to be lighter in the red channel than the other two but it should have roughly similar values in the green and blue. Blending the green channel into the blue is usually the best way to cut down a yellow cast. It brings closer together not only the neutral areas but also the reds. Not here though. The green channel is much lighter than the blue in the priest s green chasuble which plays a big role in the image. If he were wearing some other color I d use the green for the blend. As matters stand I ll go for the red channel. To get Figure therefore I created a new layer and used the Apply Image command to blend the red into the blue picking 32 opacity out of a hat. I used Lighten mode which restricts the blend to areas in which the red in fact starts out lighter than the blue. Here that comprises the entire image so Normal mode would have done the same thing. But we certainly wouldn t want to darken the yellow in some hypothetically bright blue or cyan object so being in Lighten mode is good practice. With washed-out originals like this one if you do a lightening blend to try to regularize the color usually you should set the layer blending mode to Color meaning that Photoshop is to pick up the detail from the bottom layer and use the top one for color only. I didn t do that because I needed a lighter layer for the next move. The biggest issue I have with the original is that the face scarcely exists. The whole picture needs to get darker to make any kind of credible fix. I don t mind if the flowers or the rear wall lose a little color in the process because I think the priest is the focus. Curving the L channel would help but we should try to engineer extra weight .