tailieunhanh - Photoshop Lab Color- P8

Photoshop Lab Color- P8: LAB has a reputation for enormous power, yet virtually all reference materials that advocate its use illustrate its capabilities with a single class of image. This chapter introduces the basic LAB correction method and explains why it is so extraordinarily effective. if you happen to have a picture of a canyon. | than the face or almost anything in the background. Other than the jacket itself the only relics of Figure that remain in Figure are a few pieces of scarf plus some ugly green noise in the woman s neck. Before setting up a layer mask to remove the remaining detritus we should magnify and look at key areas. Figure suggests that some of the slider settings may have been too ambitious and its jaggedness tells us that the A and or B should have been blurred. Fortunately as the file is structured it s not too late the original image is still on the bottom layer untouched. Every change lives on the adjustment layer. Blurring the AB channels on the bottom layer corrects the problem. The wardrobe malfunction on the edge is a piece of the original green jacket. The sliders couldn t catch it because it had been neutralized where it hit the background. The Info palette thinks it s gray. Nevertheless it looks greenish now for the same reason that the jacket in Figure looks redder than in Figure notwithstanding the Info palette s opinion that they re the same. Such edges are difficult to capture in any type of selection. I smoothed them out in Figure by opening the B slider more than in Figure . I didn t retouch the edges here but sometimes that s necessary. To finalize the image we click into the A - Blind If b Ry -------- This Layer 0 A Underlying Layer 14S 166 B Figure Close examination of Figure top shows jagged edges where the shoulder meets the background. Blurring the AB channels plus a slightly more open slider setting produce a smoother transition center . Bottom after addition of a layer mask to exclude the areas of background that Blending Options did not the substitution is finished. Left a swatch indicating the desired PMS color of the jacket. C 212 Chapter 10 Figure This car is an unusual color heavily negative in the A channel but near zero in the B. The lack of range in the B creates a problem when .