tailieunhanh - An Outline of the history of economic thought - Index

Index of Subjects ‘absolute surplus-value 147 absolute value 100, 107 ‘absolutist’ 6 acceleration hypothesis 338–9 accelerator 243 accumulation of capital, drives growth process 68 AD-AS model (aggregate demand-aggregate supply) 371–2 Adam Smith problem 81 additive theory of price 86 demand | Index of Subjects absolute surplus-value 147 absolute value 100 107 absolutist 6 acceleration hypothesis 338-9 accelerator 243 accumulation of capital drives growth process 68 AD-AS model aggregate demand-aggregate supply 371-2 Adam Smith problem 81 additive theory of price 86 demand as fundamental determinants of price 72 Age of Capital 134 Age of Restoration Congress of Vienna 1815 to 1848 revolutions 90 first phase 1815-30 90 Age of Ricardo 1816-48 91 agency costs new category that differs from transaction costs category 484 agrarian protectionism 49-50 alternative approaches Allyn Young and increasing returns 299-301 from Dmitriev to Leontief 308-13 institutional thought in the inter-war years 304-8 reawakening of Marxist economic theory 313-16 Thorstein Veblen 301-4 America discovery and century long inflation 38 American Declaration of Independence 1776 54 American Economic Association 1885 209 1918 Hamilton presented institutional approach to 306 Wardman Group of institutionalist economics and 487 American economic history 1880 to 1915 301-2 American Economic Review 1950 276 American Economic Review 1973 422 American Federation of Labour 1881 302 American neo-institutionalism 476 American post-Keynesians investigate monetary dynamics 352 An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations 1776 Wealth of Nations see Smith analytical Marxism or rational choice Marxism approach 503 anthropological reductionism 513-14 anti-bullionists 123-5 160 anti-Ricardian branch developed into neoclassical economics 114 anti-Ricardian reaction 2 102-4 anti-Ricardians 101 103 168 171 apprentice not paid on basis of his productivity 78 approaches to institutional analysis contractarian neo-institutionalism 476-9 evolutionary neo-institutionalism 489-91 Hayek and the neo-Austrian school 495-500 irreversibilities increasing returns and complexity 491-5 the new old institutionalism 484 9 the new political economy and surroundings 475-6 utilitarian neo-institutionalism