tailieunhanh - Period 25 - UNIT 4: LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE - Lesson

Tham khảo tài liệu 'period 25 - unit 4: learning a foreign language - lesson', ngoại ngữ, anh ngữ phổ thông phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Period 25 UNIT 4 LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Lesson 6 Language focus I. Teaching points Further practice with modal verbs with If direct and reported speech. II. Teaching aids Text book work book ruler chalk board posters. III. Procedure Teacher s activities Students activities Content on the board I- warm - up Team work you want to get good Have Ss work in 2 teams. get ready to go to marks in -Give the first half of the the board and English sentences on th board. Get write the clauses you want to go out Ss to complete with the with your suitable clauses. friends -Give feed back and 3. If it doesn t rain correct. today The teams has more right there is a good film on clauses will be the winner. TV tonight 5. If I have money II- language focus 1 Pairs work Exercise 1 modal with if Have Ss work in pairs. Get complete the Suggested answers them to coplete the dilogues and c. You should do exercise dialogues then practice practice speaking every day each other. in pairs. d. he might miss the train. -Call on some pairs to e. you ought to stay in bed. speak before class. must do home work. -Give feed back answers the correct answers. III- language focus 2 Group work Exercise 2 reported speech Get Ss to work in groups of Get ready to share Nguyên tắc chung là Lùi four. Get them to coplete the answers to the một thì. This the table. whole class. - that -Call on Ss to read aloud HTĐ - QKĐ these - the answers. those -Give feed back and the HTTD-QKTD here - correct answers. there Will - Would now - then Can may-could today- that day must - had to tomorrow- the following day IV- language focus 3 Pair work Ex 3 reporting statements Have Ss work in pairs. -Get ready to a. Uncle Hung said that -Get them to read the report to the birthday cake was Situations carefully. whole class. delicious. -Ask them to report the -Listen to T s b. Miss Nga said she loved speech provided. correction and those flowers -Call on Ss to read aloud the take notes. c. Cousin Mai .