tailieunhanh - Cisco Voice Over Frame Relay, ATM, and IP

You are now prepared to pass your exam. This ITCertifyhome will provide you with all the knowledge about the real certification exams. We hope you will take full advantage of this tool. The Use of this ITcertifyhome is strictly for the purchaser. Illegal dissemination is harmful to everyone. So be fair to yourself and us. For Support, please go to and click on "Support" link. | IT The Only Way to get Certified Quickly. Exam 9E0-423 Title Cisco Voice Over Frame Relay ATM and IP Version Number May 2003 You are now prepared to pass your exam. This ITCer-tifyhome will provide you with all the knowledge about the real certification exams. We hope you will take full advantage of this tool. The Use of this ITcertifyhome is strictly for the purchaser. Illegal dissemination is harmful to everyone. So be fair to yourself and us. For Support please go to and click on Support link. For future updates to this ITcertifyhome please check our website at http If the version number has changed for this file you can download the updated file. Get ITcertifyhome your Certified. And Get your career moving Study Faster. Study Smarter. Save Money. 9E0-423 3 Q1. What command allows you to configure per-virtual circuit queuing and traffic shaping for all PVCs on a Frame Relay interface Answer frame-relay traffic-shaping. Q2. In Europe what is the most widely deployed digital technology A. T-1 B. E-1 C. ISDN D. Cable modem Answer C. Q3. Select the components of fixed delay. Select all that apply A. Propagation delay B. Serialization delay C. Processing delay D. De-jitter buffers E. De-jitter buffers F. WAN delays Answer A B C. Q4. What application allows users to get all of their messaging from a single point A. Unified messaging B. NetMeeting C. Exchange D. Lotus Notes IT .