tailieunhanh - The Complete Guide to the TOEFL IBT part 9

Tham khảo tài liệu 'the complete guide to the toefl ibt part 9', ngoại ngữ, toefl - ielts - toeic phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Section 3 Guide to Speaking 109 27. The reading passage is about experiments done on twins. 28. Scientists are interested in twins to learn about nurture vs. nature genetics vs. environment . 29. There will there not be many more experiments with separated twins because after 1970 couples were not allowed to adopt twins separately. 30. The professor and the students mainly discuss the psychological experiment performed on twins that measured the capacity for happiness. 31. The experiment on happiness was done on identical twins because they have the same genetic makeup but are raised in different environments. 32. Many psychologists don t like twin research because most separated twins have actually had some contact. Exercise Notes will vary. The following are given as examples. Task A Sample notes on the reading Except humans birds best builders Nest place for eggs shelter Vary in complexity some birds no nests simple nests Most famil nest cup-shaped complex enclosed solid intricate multi rooms house several generations other animals move in later Sample notes on the lecture So. Af. bird hamerkop huge nest see from km. away 8 000 sticks Sev. generations 3 rms. 1 sleeping room soft plants 2 mi ddle room 3 lookout post Once people thght hamerk. brought baby snake to nest brought food to snake thght snake then protected hamerk. like fam. dog actually snakes move into nest after birds abandon Task B Sample notes on the reading Metamorphic rocks change from 1 type rock another type parent rock usu. sedimentary rock buried in earth heat pressure changes in min. compos. texture not melt become denser stronger often impurities mixed w parent rock Because strong often used as bldg mater l Sample notes on the lecture Marble 1 type of metamphic rock formed from sediment rock limestone but limest. softer more easily broken than mrble Pure limest. white mrble impurities make mrble grn yellow etc. Mrble strong beautiful used for temples statues pub bldgs etc Task C Sample