tailieunhanh - Resizing The Organization 27

Resizing The Organization 27. This book seeks to provide executives with useful insights, tools, guidelines, principles, and lessons learned about organizational transition and change. | Moving as the Markets Move 241 assistance in every affected location. This complexity adds a great amount of time to planning and executing the integration. In addition there are cultural differences to consider. People from another country are not necessarily going to see things the way you do or understand verbal or cultural nuances in the same way you do. We hear time and time again We are different here this won t work because of our special culture or ethnicity or something else . Actually the heart of any change process is meeting the individual needs of people. Regardless of nationality or culture employees around the world have many of the same universal needs to know what is happening how it will affect them and what they are expected to do next. From our experiences of working on four intercountry acquisitions we do not believe that local people should be left to manage change and people integration issues. A team of select external or very senior internal company consultants should drive the changes. Local managers are going through all the difficulties of personal change. Their frames of reference are limited by what they know and see. They also are concerned about their own futures. Typically they are stuck in the old paradigms and unable to accept support or assimilate new ideas critical to the process of change. Naturally the local managers should be involved. However the outside expertise should carry weight in making final decisions. The Impact of Resizing on Other HR Programs Depending on the specific resizing activity there may not be any impact on current HR programs plans or policies. For example if your organization had implemented previous resizing activities your current HR programs may suffice. However if this is your first resizing experience and the organization has no idea how to proceed you will need to move swiftly to develop approaches for aspects such as retention or stay bonuses severance plans outplacement activities transition .