tailieunhanh - Practicing Organization Development (A guide for Consultants) - Part 44

Practicing Organization Development (A guide for Consultants) - Part 44. Organization development (OD) is about planned change. As change has turned into the only constant, many managers and other people are pursuing change strategies with vigor. OD is a major strategy for leading and managing change at the individual, group, intergroup, organizational, interorganizational, and large systems levels. This book is about what it takes to be an effective change manager, change leader, and OD consultant | PERSON-CENTERED OD INTERVENTIONS 401 Notes 1. The classic Interpersonal Dynamics 1969 by Warren Bennis Ed Schein et al. includes contributions by Carl Rogers Jack Gibb and other giants on whose shoulders we stand in the interpersonal domain. 2. The story about the birth of the T-group is worth reading since it came into being as part of an early OD intervention Lewin and his colleagues were carrying out in a Northeastern school system to reduce racism. See Bradford Gibb Benne 1964. 3. Much has been written about training. For a more in-depth discussion refer to Lynton and Pareek 1990 and to treatments found in Rothwell and Kazanas 1992 and Rothwell and Sredl 1992 . Also check out the website for The American Society for Training and Development and the site for Training magazine to find out who is doing what in the training area. References Bennis W. Schein E. et al. 1969 . Interpersonal dynamics Essays and readings on human interaction. Homewood IL The Dorsey Press. Blumberg A. Golembiewski R. 1976 . Learning and change in groups. Baltimore MA Penguin. Bradford L. Gibb J. Benne K. 1964 . T-group theory and the laboratory method Innovation in re-education. New York John Wiley Sons. Bunker B. Alban B. 1997 . Large group interventions Engaging the whole system for rapid change. San Francisco Jossey-Bass. Covey S. 1989 . Seven habits of highly effective people. New York Simon Schuster. Drucker P. 2001 . The essential Drucker. New York HarperBusiness. Gibb J. 1978 . Trust. Hollywood CA Newcastle. Goldsmith M. Lyons L Freas A. Witherspoon R. 2000 . Coaching for leadership How the world s greatest coaches help leaders learn. San Francisco Jossey-Bass. Goleman D. 2003 . Emotional intelligence. New York Bantam. Hersey P. Blanchard K. 1972 . Management of organizational behavior Utilizing human resources. Englewood Cliffs NJ Prentice-Hall. Johnson B. 1992 . Polarity management Identifying and managing unsolvable problems. Amherst MA HRD .