tailieunhanh - Resizing The Organization 40

Resizing The Organization 40. This book seeks to provide executives with useful insights, tools, guidelines, principles, and lessons learned about organizational transition and change. | Quicker Faster Cheaper Smarter 371 to find their identity in this chaotic work world it is equally sad to watch thousands of companies go bankrupt because their management failed to respond effectively. Change is a fundamental law of nature. Charles Darwin once wrote that it is not the strongest of species that survive nor the most intelligent but the one most responsive to change. To be successful today and tomorrow organizations and their members will have to continuously change flex and adapt as the marketplace adjusts and then readjusts. We can complain bitterly argue that it is not fair or nostalgically long for the way the workplace once was but it will do no good. In this new workplace resizing is not an option but a necessity. The question is not whether one should or should not resize but how to resize. How do we resize organizations and their members with minimal pain while capitalizing on the gain that comes with change growth and evolution In this book we have explored the concept of corporate restructuring and downsizing. We suggested that the term organizational resizing be used in order to avoid the emotional baggage that the term corporate downsizing engenders. Furthermore corporate downsizing is strongly rooted in the 1990s as American business and industry shed tiers of management and excess employees who accumulated through decades of complacency. The global marketplace now requires companies of every size location and product and service line to resize remold and reshape themselves on an ongoing basis. Let us not delude ourselves organizational resizing is not a temporary state. It will not simply be a difficult month quarter or year and then things will settle down and we can catch our breath. Success requires ongoing resizing at both the organizational and the individual levels. Each chapter of this book has focused on a different facet of the resizing puzzle. In this concluding chapter we examine the new realities facing organizations and .