tailieunhanh - A Companion to Urban Economics - Arnott and McMillen - Index
INDEX Activity-Based Approach (ABA) 263, 264 aerial photography 81, 85, 93 Africa, GDP per capita 63–7 agglomeration economy 3, 7–22, 35, 66, 89, 90–1, 251, 313, 315, 324–8, 406 geographical scope of 16–18 sources of 12, 18–20 agglomeration, index of 19 agriculture | A Companion to Urban Economics Edited by Richard J. Arnott Daniel P. McMillen Copyright 2006 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd Index Activity-Based Approach ABA 263 264 aerial photography 81 85 93 Africa GDP per capita 63-7 agglomeration economy 3 7-22 35 66 89 90-1 251 313 315 324-8 406 geographical scope of 16-18 sources of 12 18-20 agglomeration index of 19 agriculture 4 40-1 42 44 46 47 49 50 AHS see United States American Housing Survey air pollution 143 502-14 aggregate emissions 505-6 ambient 505-6 and bronchitis 512 government actions 506-8 sources of emissions 504-5 airport 290 315 316 321 Alabama gross state product 443 response to funds rate increase 454 small-bank loans 446 small-firm employment 445 allocation equilibrium 121-3 Pareto-optimal 114-19 Alonso model 75-6 109 110 113-14 126 281 amenities urban 483 - 6 Angola GDP per capita 56 Antigua GDP per capita 67 apartheid 60-1 537 545 551 552 Argentina 62 312 air pollution 504 Arizona gross state product 443 response to funds rate increase 453 454 455 small-bank loans 446 small-firm employment 445 Arkansas gross state product 443 response to funds rate increase 454 small-bank loans 446 small-firm employment 445 Asian debt crisis 1998 219 221-2 Atlanta GA employment growth 420 ghettoization index 539 540 land use 87 91 92 289 residential mobility 405-7 408 spatial mismatch 421 411 unemployment rate 419 auctioneer Walrasian 145 Austin TX software development 9 Australia business land tax 316 population density 57 property tax 348 real estate 144 Babylonia 46-50 bullae 51-2 cities in 53 I 556 Index Babylonia cant d kin groups 47 51 53 see also Mesopotamia backyard economy 2 Baltimore MD ghettoization index 539 spatial mismatch 421 Bangladesh population density 57 bank size 444 457 458 barter 47 50 51 52 53 base multiplier 463-7 468 471 477 BEA see United States Bureau of Economic Analysis Belgium urban transport subsidy 302 bicycle use see Netherlands BID see United States business improvement district bid-rent
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