tailieunhanh - The grammar of the english verb phrase part 57

Tham khảo tài liệu 'the grammar of the english verb phrase part 57', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | III. Arguments for distinguishing between the absolute and the relative past tense 385 This test is corroborated by the fact that it makes the correct predictions in cases in which the relevant T-relation is T-anteriority rather than T-simultane-ity John expects that he will feel lonely when Mary has left I will have left . John expected that he would feel lonely when Mary had left I would have left . Compare also The thought of his case never left him now. He had often considered whether it would not be better to draw up a written defence and hand it in to the Court. In this defence he would give a short account of his life and when he came to an event of any importance he would explain for what reasons he had acted as he did intimate whether he approved or condemned his way of action in retrospect and adduce grounds for the condemnation or approval. TTR The past tense forms came did approved and condemned are all relative tense forms expressing T-simultaneity with the situation time of their head clause. Note that initimate is short for would intimate. . In this defence he will give a short account of his life and when he comes I will come to an event of any importance he will explain for what reasons he has acted as he has intimate whether he approves or condemns his way of action in retrospect and adduce grounds for the condemnation or approval. The forms comes has acted has approves and condemns all express a T-relation in a post-present domain. The present tense forms all express T-simultaneity with the situation time of their head clause. This test rests on the assumption that the possibilities and restrictions in connection with the use of absolute and relative tense forms in particular types of clauses are the same in a past domain as they are in a post-present one. Though the above examples all corroborate this assumption we have not yet adduced any really conclusive evidence that the assumption is correct. The test must therefore provisionally be