tailieunhanh - Spoken english elementary handbook part 18

Tham khảo tài liệu 'spoken english elementary handbook part 18', ngoại ngữ, kỹ năng đọc tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet IPA Spelling and Sounds - Consonant Clusters Verb GO Third Form he goes she goes it goes Can you imagine what would happen if we used t instead of s or z as a linking sound in each of these situations The consonant sound t is often dropped at the ends of words see because it is difficult to pronounce together with another consonant sound. If we used it in the above rules instead of s or z which connect well with all other consonant sounds the phrases produced would be much harder to say because they wouldn t flow together well. For example we would have to say John t car instead of John s car which would make a problem because the t sound at the end of John t wouldn t flow well with the next consonant sound the k sound at the beginning of car . Or what about she t going instead of she s going Again it would be much harder to pronounce. In fact the result would be tongue-twisting on a massive scale In the same way having to pronounce he readt bookt instead of he reads books wouldn t flow because t - or indeed any other consonant sound - wouldn t enable the same easy flow that we achieve by using s or z . 5. Consonant Clusters in Compound Words In compound words strange consonant clusters can occur which are not true consonant clusters. This is because two separate words have been joined together to make a new word meaning that the final consonant cluster from the first word has to sit side by side with the initial consonant cluster from the second word. Here are some examples c cluster sounds like for example the two words are tchb tjb switchboard switch board ffh fh cliffhanger cliff hanger ndf ZndfZ grandfather grand father ndbr ndbr groundbreaking ground breakin g As we have seen it is common when consonant sounds meet for elision or assimilation to take place see also Connected Speech . So for example we wouldn t pronounce the whole mouthful of consonant sounds in the middle of groundbreaking .