tailieunhanh - Summary of PL / SQL

PL / SQL is an extension to SQL . It is a language that allows you to combine SQL statements with procedural controls such as identifiers, conditional, and iterative constructs in a PL / SQL block. | 26 Summary of PL SQL ORACLE Benefits of the PL SQL Language Modularize Declare identifiers Program with procedure language structures Perform exception handling Port code Integrate stored and application subprograms Improve performance PL SQL Blocks Contain up to four sections - Header PROCEDURE - Declarative 1 1 - Executable DECLARE - Exception Two types of blocks covered BEGIN 1 1 in this course EXCEPTION - Anonymous blocks 1 - Subprograms END - Procedures to store a series of actions - Functions to return a value 26-2 Introduction to Oracle SQL and PLVSQL Using Procedure Builder Summary PL SQL Procedural Language SQL is an extension to SQL. It is a language that allows you to combine multiple SQL statements with procedural controls such as identifiers conditional and iterative constructs in a PL SQL block. Benefits from PL SQL Modularize program development by grouping similar concepts together and nesting blocks Declare identifiers for example variables constants and cursors Program with procedural language structures for example IF statements and loops Exception handling for Oracle Server errors and user-defined exceptions Port code between applications and the Oracle Server Integrate Oracle stored subprograms and application subprograms Improve performance by sending a block of code to the server PL SQL Block A PL SQL block contains code in up to four sections. The header section is where you set the name and parameters for named blocks. The declarative section is optional and contains all variables constants cursors and user-defined exceptions that will be referenced within the executable section. The executable section is required and contains SQL statements to manipulate data in the database and PL SQL statements to manipulate data in the block. The exception-handling section is optional and specifies the actions to perform when errors and abnormal conditions arise within the executable section. Anonymous Blocks Anonymous blocks are unnamed blocks. They .