As more and more carriers jump into the telecommunications arena providing T1 services, the amount of equipment to supply these services to customers is dramatically increasing. And the number of manufacturers who provide equipment to the carriers is exploding at an even more rapid pace. Some of these new suppliers have never made equipment for the public telecommunications network before. Their equipment has resided only in the highly-controlled environment of computer and data processing rooms, and their inexperience with the rigors of the less controlled Central Office (CO) and outside plant facility environments has resulted in reliability and operability problems. One carrier has even experienced a meltdown due. | Network Equipment Building System NEBS Criteria Technical Brief Introduction As more and more carriers jump into the telecommunications arena providing T1 services the amount of equipment to supply these services to customers is dramatically increasing. And the number of manufacturers who provide equipment to the carriers is exploding at an even more rapid pace. Some of these new suppliers have never made equipment for the public telecommunications network before. Their equipment has resided only in the highly-controlled environment of computer and data processing rooms and their inexperience with the rigors of the less controlled Central Office CO and outside plant facility environments has resulted in reliability and operability problems. One carrier has even experienced a meltdown due to equipment not properly designed for the facility s environment. Another major concern is that the space to house this new equipment is becoming more and more limited. Rather than build new CO facilities to house the additional equipment Competitive Local Exchange Carriers CLECs are collocating their equipment in existing Regional Bell Operating Company RBOC and other Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers ILECs facilities. This collocation is a result of the industry deregulation started in the early 80 s which forces the ILECs to provide facility and equipment plant space to CLECs. Ill Network Equipment Building System Criteria While the RBOCs and other ILECs are required by law to rent space to CLECS typically in 10 foot x 10 foot increments the incumbents aren t allowing just any old equipment in their facilities. Their number 1 concern is a fire or other catastrophe caused by competitor s equipment disrupting their network operation. To ensure network integrity and equipment compatibility the incumbents have established a set of guidelines that service providers and equipment suppliers must comply with before the equipment can be installed in their facilities. These criteria are