tailieunhanh - Spoken english elementary handbook part 10

Sách này luôn là một bộ giáo trình mà các trung tâm anh ngữ sử dụng. Vì đây là bộ giáo trình đáng tin cậy được các trường đại học hàng đầu quốc tê biên soạn. Bên cạnh đó giáo trình này được biên soạn một cách cụ thể giúp người đọc dễ hiểu và làm bài tập dễ dàng. | Free Practice Activity Role Plays Contents Instructions Role Plays - Mood Chart Activity Template Blank Talk a Lot How to Use Role Plays - Instructions Students work in pairs or groups of three to develop and rehearse a short role play with three scenes based on the information given to them on the handout which is then performed to the rest of the class. They have to include the title of the outline somewhere in their role play . Family role play 1 from Book 1 You did that on purpose The role play can be fully acted out with props and costumes or be simply a dialogue that students perform whilst sitting at their desks but students shouldn t be writing during this activity. Writing can be done at home. In Talk a Lot lessons the focus should be mainly on spoken English. The teacher should always ensure that students understand what they have to do and are confident with the vocabulary used on the role play handout before they begin. The teacher should insist that each group produces three different distinct scenes teaching them to think of the role play as three parts of a whole with a through-line and a logical progression through the scenes for example Scene 1 Setting up the situation Scene 2 Action Scene 3 Result To make this task more challenging you could agree as a group that all role plays have to include particular things as well as what is in the outline for example a a person s name b a place name c an object . an aubergine or a giraffe s toothbrush d a certain phrase e a prop f a costume The teacher could provide a costumes box and a prop box in the classroom with plenty of dressing up clothes or objects for students to use in their role plays. If your students particularly enjoy doing role plays they could try the role play extensions in Books 1 and 2 and those which are included with each handout for Book 3 onwards in addition to the role play outlines on the handouts. However role play must be only one element of a Talk a Lot .