tailieunhanh - Building XNA 2.0 Games- P16

Building XNA Games- P16: I would like to acknowledge John Sedlak, who saved this book from certain doom, as well as all of the great guys in the XNA community and Microsoft XNA team, who helped me with all of my stupid programming questions. (That is actually the term used—“stupid programming question”—and it is a question that one should not have to ask if one has been approached to write a book about the subject.) | 440 INDEX for adding coordinates to script line 273-274 incrementing heartFrame with 293 modifying character-collision routine 257 setting character keys in 260 turning button presses into values for pressedKey 165-166 updating location by trajectory in 218 UpdateGame method moving code into 322-323 UpdateKeys calling from 114 V v parameter using to compare a pixel to its neighbor 339-340 value type variables 4 variable types converting from one to another 5 data loss when converting from one to another 5 variables assigning values to 4 storage of 4 using 4-5 value type 4 Vector2 using for scroll 74 Visual C 2005 Express Edition installing 19 Visual Studio saving to XNAPong project in 24 Visual Studio 2005 creating new console application in 10-12 W wait ticks case 272 wait command settings for 280 water effect adding to ZombieSmashers game 346-353 drawing foreground twice 349 implementing in the game 348 plan for adding to game 346 render loop to use feedback 350 setting the water level 350-352 shader for 347-348 wave bank 229 creating new file for XACT project 229-231 wave banks creating new 37 waves 229 weapon creation for The Dishwasher 43 weapons texture checking to see if part is using 102 weaponsTex using to store textures 104-105 web site addresses Apress Source Code Download section 11 23 222 Audacity 223 Creators Club Premium Membership 328 FlashKit 222 Freesound Project 222 .NET Reflector 2 24 Sounddogs 222 Visual C 2005 Express Edition 19 XNA Game Studio 19 while loop processing incoming messages with 380 using instead of for loop 14 vs. do while loop 14 Windows Build Path and Xbox 360 Build Path setting for sound banks 38 setting for wave banks 38 Windows Game library creating 94-96 wraith adding and loading graphics to ZombieSmashers game 410 adding new triggers to 401 AI 402-403 animation 400-402 assembling animation frames 400-402 INDEX 441 creating AI class for 402 creating characters for the game 399-411 .

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