tailieunhanh - Spoken english elementary handbook part 5

Tham khảo tài liệu 'spoken english elementary handbook part 5', ngoại ngữ, kỹ năng đọc tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Talk a Lot How to Use Connected Sentence Cards - Sound Connections Demo This pie chart shows the percentages of each kind of connection As they do the activity students will find the following outcomes a vowel sound to consonant sound vc and b consonant sound to vowel sound cv If either of these connections occurs the sounds will flow well together. For example dep vowel sound to consonant sound vc consonant sound to vowel sound cv This is because in rapid speech the English tongue is able to easily produce a smooth transition between consonant and vowel sounds and vice versa. This technique of connected speech is called linking. c vowel sound to vowel sound vv If you see this kind of connection there will be a new sound added - j w or r . For example vowel sound to vowel sound vv the connecting sound is j vowel sound to vowel sound vv the connecting sound is LwL vowel sound to vowel sound vv the connecting sound is LrL Talk a Lot Elementary English Talk a Lot How to Use Connected Sentence Cards - Sound Connections Demo This is because in rapid speech the English tongue can t cope with two vowels flowing together so we have to introduce a consonant sound between them making the connection just like either vc or cv see above . This technique of connected speech where we add a new sound is called intrusion. a consonant sound to consonant sound cc If you see this kind of connection you should stop and think about how the sounds go together. It s very common in rapid speech for consonant sounds not to flow well together. Say the words on the cards together and listen to the connecting sounds. It s likely that a sound will be missing at the end of the first word especially if that sound is t or d . This technique of connected speech where a sound disappears is called elision. For example mus rent daon t at the end of the first word disappears to make the transition between the two words