tailieunhanh - Tổng quan SQL_ Internet Explorer Web Page Color Names

When you’re setting color properties in a data access page, you normally enter a hexa- decimal value that represents the red-green-blue (RGB) color value that your browser can understand. However, data access pages must run in Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Internet Explorer also understands a wide variety of color names that you can enter instead. The following table lists those color names and their corresponding hexadecimal color code values. | Part 9 Articles Article 4 Internet Explorer Web Page Color Names When you re setting color properties in a data access page you normally enter a hexadecimal value that represents the red-green-blue RGB color value that your browser can understand. However data access pages must run in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Internet Explorer also understands a wide variety of color names that you can enter instead. The following table lists those color names and their corresponding hexadecimal color code values. Color Name Hexadecimal Code Color Name Hexadecimal Code aliceblue F0F8FF darkblue 00008B antiquewhite FAEBD7 darkcyan 008B8B aqua 00FFFF darkgoldenrod B8860B aquamarine 7FFFD4 darkgray A9A9A9 azure F0FFFF darkgreen 006400 beige F5F5DC darkkhaki BDB76B bisque FFE4C4 darkmagenta 8B008B black 000000 darkolivegreen 556B2F blanchedalmond FFEBCD darkorange FF8C00 blue 0000FF darkorchid 9932CC blueviolet 8A2BE2 darkred 8B0000 brown A52A2A darksalmon E9967A burlywood DEB887 darkseagreen 8FBC8B cadetblue 5F9EA0 darkslateblue 483D8B chartreuse 7FFF00 darkslategray 2F4F4F chocolate D2691E darkturquoise 00DED1 coral FF7F50 darkviolet 9400D3 cornflowerblue 6495ED deeppink FF1493 cornsilk FFF8DC deepskyblue 00BFFF crimson DC143C dimgray 696969 cyan 00FFFF dodgerblue 1E90FF A59 Part 9 Articles Article 4 Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out Color Name Hexadecimal Code Color Name Hexadecimal Code firebrick B22222 lime 00FF00 floralwhite FFFAF0 limegreen 32CD32 forestgreen 228B22 linen FAF0E6 fuchsia FF00FF magenta FF00FF gainsboro DCDCDC maroon 800000 ghostwhite F8F8FF mediumaquamarine 66CDAA gold FFD700 mediumblue 0000CD goldenrod DAA520 mediumorchid BA55D3 green 008000 mediumpurple 9370DB grey 808080 mediumseagreen 3CB371 greenyellow ADFF2F mediumslateblue 7B68EE honeydew F0FFF0 mediumspringgreen 00FA9A hotpink FF69B4 mediumturquoise 48D1CC indianred CD5C5C mediumvioletred C71585 indigo 4B0082 midnightblue 191970 ivory FFFFF0 mintcream F5FFFA khaki F0E68C mistyrose FFE4E1 .