tailieunhanh - The SAP R/3 Guide to EDI, IDocs and Interfaces

The R/3 Guide is a Frequently Given Answers book. It is a collection of answers, I have given to questions regarding EDI over and over again, both from developers, consultants and client’s technical staff. It is focussed on the technical aspect of SAP R/3 IDoc technology. It is not a tutorial, but a supplement to the R/3 documentation and training courses. | Axel Angeli Robi Gonfalonieri Ulrich Streit http The SAP R 3 Guide to EDI IDocs and Interfaces For examples and updates check out http 1999 2000 Axel Angeli et al. - SAP R 3 Guide to EDI http Total pages 177 Printed 2000-Jan-16-20 10 Page 1 Section 1 About The Authors Axel Angeli is born in 1961. He is a Top Level SAP R 3 consultant and R 3 cross-application development coach. He specializes in coaching of large multi-national multilanguage development teams and troubleshooting development projects. His job description is also known as computer logistics a delicate discipline that methodically wakes the synergetic effects in team to accelerate and mediate IT projects. He is a learned Cybernetics scientist also known as Artificial Intelligence in the tradition of the Marvin Minsky The society of mind and Synergetics group of Herman Haken and Maria Krell. His competence in computer science is based on the works of Donald Knuth The Art of Computer Programming Niklas Wirth the creator of the PASCAL language the object oriented approach as described and developed during the XEROX PARC project where the mouse and windows style GUIs have been invented in the early 1970ies and Borland languages. Before his life as SAP consultant he made a living as a computer scientist for medical biometry and specialist for high precision industry robots. He concentrates now on big international projects. He speaks fluently several popular languages including German English French and Slavic. QXelQ@ Robi Gonfalonieri born in 1965 is a senior ABAP IV developer and R 3 consultant for SD and MM. He is a learned economist turned ABAP IV developer. He specializes in international multi-language projects both as developer and SD consultant. He speaks fluently several languages including German French English and Italian. robig@ Ulrich Streit born in 1975 is ABAP IV developer and interface specialist. He developed a serious of legacy