tailieunhanh - The complete guide to the toefl test part 14

There are questions that ask you way an author wrote some part of the passage or how the author communicates ideas. There are questions that ask you to recognize paraphrases of complex sentences. In the first section of the book, you will find explanations and exercises that help you develop the skills you need to answer these new question types. | 66 Section 1 Guide to Reading 13. In all cultures gestures are used as a form of communication but the same gestures may have very different meanings in different cultures. A. No two cultures use the same gestures. B. One gesture almost never has the same meaning in two cultures. C. A person from one culture may misunderstand the gestures used by a person from another. 14. Even spiders that do not build webs from silk use it for a variety of purposes such as constructing egg sacs and nursery tents. A. All spiders build webs. B. Spiders that build webs don t build egg sacs or nursery tents. C. Silk is used by all spiders. 15. In theory a good screwdriver should last a lifetime but it seldom does usually because it is used as a substitute for other tools. A. Using a screwdriver for purposes other than those for which it was intended can shorten its life. B. All screwdrivers if they are really good last a lifetime. C. If you want a screwdriver to last a lifetime use other tools to substitute for it. Exercise Focus Answering inference questions based on passages. Directions Read the following passages and the inference questions about them. Mark the choice that best answers each question. Passage 1 Pigeons have been taught to recognize human facial expressions upsetting long-held beliefs that only humans have evolved the sophisticated nervous systems needed to perform such a feat. In recent experiments at the University of Iowa eight trained pigeons were shown photographs of people displaying emotions of happiness anger surprise and disgust. The birds learned to distinguish between these expressions. Not only that but they were able to correctly identify the same expressions on photographs of unfamiliar faces. Their achievement does not suggest of course that the pigeons had any idea what the human expressions meant. Some psychologists had theorized that because facial expression is vital to human communication humans have developed special nervous systems capable