tailieunhanh - The complete guide to the toefl test part 8

This book offers a step-by-step program designed to make you feel confident and well prepared when you sit down in front of the computer on the day of the test It teaches you the test-taking techniques and helps you polish the language skills you need to do well on all four sections of the test, including the Speaking Section, which, for many students, is the greatest challenge of the TOEFL iBT. | 26 Section 1 Guide to Reading 26 of 26 Directions Select phrases from the answer choices and match them to the group of people to which they relate according to the theories of Thor Heyerdahl. TWO answer choices will not be used. This question is worth 4 points. Answer Choices A. Extended the length of their ears by wearing heavy earrings B. Were the first to arrive on Easter Island C. Were one of twelve groups on the island that died out because of overpopulation D. Did the actual work of building the statues E. Brought sweet potatoes to Easter Island F. Provided the physical models for the statues on Easter Island. G. Learned how to build the statues from other Pacific Islanders H. Were almost all killed during a revolution I. Knocked over most of the statues Hanau Momoko 1 J Hanau Eepe This is the end of the Reading Preview Test. Lesson 1 Factual and Negative Factual Questions A Factual Questions Factual questions ask about explicit facts and details given in the passage. They often contain one of the wh- words or phrases who what when where why and so on. Factual questions often begin with the phrase According to According to the passage . According to the author . Reading According to the theories of According to the information in paragraph 3 . . Factual questions sometimes begin with this phrase What does the author say about. When you see these phrases you know that the information needed for an answer is directly stated somewhere in the passage unlike answers for inference questions . Scanning To scan is to read quickly to find certain information. To answer factual questions you must scan the passage or paragraph to locate and identify information that the question asks about. The question often gives the number of the paragraph where the information is found and marks it with an arrow which makes your job easier If you are not sure from your first reading where in the passage or paragraph to look for specific answers use the following techniques Focus on