tailieunhanh - Expert Reference Series-Benchmarksprove

This paper describes how database benchmarks demonstrate the performance of Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS and Oracle9i Database running on HP ProLiant hardware. Combined with the compelling Total Cost of Ownership model presented by this software and hardware combination, the paper shows why solutions such as this are rapidly replacing proprietary RISC/Unix and Microsoft Windows solutions. | Written and Provided by Global Knowledge . Experts Teaching Experts redhat. Expert Reference Series 1-800-COURSES redhat Benchmarks prove the performance of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux platform By Nick Carr Jeremy Hogan and Jonathan Opp October 2002 Abstract This paper describes how database benchmarks demonstrate the performance of Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS and Oracle9i Database running on HP ProLiant hardware. Combined with the compelling Total Cost of Ownership model presented by this software and hardware combination the paper shows why solutions such as this are rapidly replacing proprietary RISC Unix and Microsoft Windows solutions. Revision 2 - February 2003 Copyright 2003 Red Hat Inc. redhat Table of Contents Executive Price TPC-C and ECperf TPC-C ECperf Total Cost of IDC TCO Robert Frances TCO Red Hat Enterprise Linux product Oracle9i Real Application Key benefits of HP An HP ProLiant Customer Appendix A - TPC-C Executive Appendix B - ECPERF Summary Red Hat Enterprise Linux benchmark results