tailieunhanh - An Introduction to Windows Server 2008 Server Manager

When you take your first look at Windows Server 2008, you'll find that many of the traditional tools that graced Server 2003 are still around: the Computer Management console; the System Information utility; the Services console; and so forth. Administrative Tools are still in a Start menu folder named "Administrative Tools," and you can start feeling fairly comfortable with the GUI if you have background with prior versions of Windows. | Global Knowledge Expert Reference Series ofWhite Papers An Introduction to Windows Server 2008 Server Manager 1-800-COURSES An Introduction to Windows Server- 2008 Server Manager Glenn Weadock Global Knowledge Instructor Developer MCSE MCT A Introduction When you take your first look at Windows Server 2008 you ll find that many of the traditional tools that graced Server 2003 are still around the Computer Management console the System Information utility the Services console and so forth. Administrative Tools are still in a Start menu folder named Administrative Tools and you can start feeling fairly comfortable with the GUI if you have background with prior versions of Windows. If you have logged some flight time with Windows Vista things will look even more familiar. Windows Server 2008 has the look and feel of Windows Vista. Which makes sense when you consider that both products were developed under the Longhorn moniker and share many megabytes of code. The new collapsible Start menu the Vista-style search facilities as well as some of the tools such as Windows Firewall with Advanced Security look just as they do in the Vista GUI. Where things change a bit is in the Server Manager console typically under C Windows System32 which is really the nerve center of Server 2008. Parts of this console are simply convenient pointers to other administrative tools. However the Roles and Features nodes may be unfamiliar to you. This white paper introduces the Server Manager console and will help you find your way around it so that you can get up to speed with Server 2008 more quickly than I did when I first started stumbling around this massive console Version note For this white paper I installed Server 2008 Enterprise Edition Beta 3 build 6001 into a fresh Virtual Machine running on Virtual PC 2007 with the Virtual Machine Additions. The host system was Windows Vista Ultimate. What Is Server Manager Server Manager is an .