tailieunhanh - Input/Output-Analysis

By this IO-analysis we want to determine explicite, which environmental-relevant data in the enterprise are determined. On the one hand thereby a repeated version or a formation is to be avoided and the origin of the data to be pointed out. The acquisition period is determined with one calendar year. | PB-Nr Input Output-Analysis By this IO-analysis we want to determine explicite which environmental-relevant data in the enterprise are determined. On the one hand thereby a repeated version or a formation is to be avoided and the origin of the data to be pointed out. The acquisition period is determined with one calendar year. Envioronmental data absolute 1997 Quantity Unit Data Origin Input Raw and auxiliary materials kg EDV-PPS Powder coating kg Wet lacquer kg Color Batch kg Synthetic resin kg Dangerous materials kg Chemical right Energy Bookkeeping Energy entirely kWh Drylac kWh Wet lacquer kWh Color Batch kWh Synthetic resin kWh Vw Vtr kWh Gas entirely m3 Synthetic resin m3 Heating system m3 Diesel m3 Water entirely m3 Bookkeeping Well water m3 Maintenance water City water m3 Packing entirely kg EDV-ARA Paper kg Wood kg Disposable glass container packing kg Ferrous metals small kg Ferrous metals large kg Plastic small kg Issued by Date of release Version Page Herr Bauer September 2001 1 1 3 PB-Nr Input Output-Analysis Plastic large Hollow body bags kg kg Output Production output entirely kg IT Drylac Wet lacquer Color Batch Synthetic resin kg kg kg kg Waste entirely kg AWK Powder coating Powder Packing Paper Saw dust Plastic Vpg Wet lacquer Old lacquers color mud Lösemittelhältiger waste Container Metal sheet Adhesive Spraydosen Saw dust PVC-bundle with remainder Packing paper Paper Plastic Vpg Color Batch Powder Packing paper Paper Sägespäne Plastic Vpg Synthetic resin Ester distillate Heating oil Alkaline Packaging Issued by Date of release Version Page Herr Bauer September 2001 1 2 3 PB-Nr Input Output-Analysis Paper Saw dust Plastic Vpg VwVtr Packing General A-coal Waste oil Gasoline Lead battery Building site Soil Garden Domestic waste Coolers Oil- water mixture Oil separator Waste Dangerous waste It. FestsetzgVO Not dangerous waste It. FestsetzgVO Own vehicle park km KORE Waste water entirely m3 Bookkeeping Production m3 .