tailieunhanh - GRE REAL TEST 18-2

Tham khảo tài liệu 'gre real test 18-2', ngoại ngữ, anh văn giao tiếp phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 3 esoterica â Test 18 SECTION 2 Time 30 minutes 38 Questions Directions Each sentence below has one or two blanks each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered words or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 1. That she seemed to prefer--------to concentrated effort is undeniable nevertheless the impressive quality of her finished paintings suggests that her actual relationship to her art was anything but---------. A preparation. .passionate B artfulness. .disengaged C dabbling. .superficial D caprice . considered E indecision. .lighthearted 2. Because of the excellent preservation of the fossil anatomical details of early horseshoe crabs were--------for the first time enabling experts to--------the evolution of the horseshoe crab. A scrutinized. .ensure B verified. .advance C identified. .distort D obscured. .illustrate E clarified. .reassess 3. The philosopher claimed that a person who must consciously---------his or her own indifference before helping another is behaving more nobly than one whose basic disposition allows such an act to be performed without A feign. .enthusiasm B censure. .comment C embrace. .duplicity d suffer. .effort E overcome. .deliberation 4. The senator s attempt to convince the public that he is not interested in running for a second term is------given the extremely------ fund-raising activities of his campaign committee. A futile. .clandestine B sincere. .visible C specious. .apathetic D disingenuous. .public E straightforward. .dubious 5. Although a change in management may appear to------a shift in a company s fortunes more often than not its impact is---. A hinder. .measurable B promote. .demonstrable C accelerate. .profound D betray. .fundamental E augur. .inconsiderable 6. The skeleton of------bird that was recently discovered indicated that this ancient creature-----today s birds in that unlike earlier birds