6 Finding Answers from the Inquiry `Elementary, my dear Watson!' Sherlock Holmes had two purposes in mind when he used the word `elementary'. The first purpose was to demonstrate the brilliance and simplicity of his solution to a problem. The second was to show Dr Watson that the conclusion had to follow from the evidence. | 6 Finding Answers from the Inquiry Elementary my dear Watson Sherlock Holmes had two purposes in mind when he used the word elementary . The first purpose was to demonstrate the brilliance and simplicity of his solution to a problem. The second was to show Dr Watson that the conclusion had to follow from the evidence. Careful collection of evidence and creative insight mark Holmes as the stereotype of the brilliant problemsolver. The solution to one problem in a crime case of course is not necessarily a solution to the whole case. In his cases Holmes goes through all the stages of research exploration collection of data analysis and findings. The accumulation of clues assists in solving the case but it is the relationships between those clues that matter most. As the evidence builds up and the detective builds the links between his or her observations a picture emerges. At a certain point the detective starts to reconstruct what happened. Ellery Queen the detective in The Dutch Shoe Mystery reconstructs from his observations what he thought to be the murderer s actions. 10 29 The real Dr Janney called away. 10 30 Lucille Price opens door from Anteroom slips into Anteroom lift closes door fastens East Corridor door to prevent interruptions dons shoes white duck trousers gown cap and gag previously planted there or somewhere in the Anteroom leaves her own shoes in elevator her own clothes being covered by the new. Slips into East Corridor via lift door turns corner into South Corridor goes along South Corridor until she reaches Anaesthesia Room. Limping all the time in imitation of Janney with gag concealing her features and cap her hair she passes rapidly through the Anaesthesia Room being seen by Dr Byers Miss Obermann and Cudahy and enters Anteroom closing door behind her. 10 34 Approaches comatose Mrs. Doorn strangles her with wire concealed under her clothes calls out in her own voice at appropriate time I ll be out in a moment Dr Janney or words to that effect.