3 Defining the Inquiry `Then how do you know?' `I never guess' Sherlock Holmes, The Sign of Four Sherlock Holmes realized that what often led the police of his day astray was their tendency to adopt theories of a crime based on the wrong facts. There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact, says Holmes. | 3 Defining the Inquiry Then how do you know I never guess Sherlock Holmes The Sign of Four Sherlock Holmes realized that what often led the police of his day astray was their tendency to adopt theories of a crime based on the wrong facts. There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact says Holmes. By an examination of the ground I gained the trifling details which I gave to that imbecile Lestrade as to the personality of the criminal. But how did you gain them You know my method. It is founded upon the observation of trifles. The Boscombe Valley Mystery Sherlock Holmes said that he did not guess. He relied on observations and he had a method for analysing those observations. Seeing was not enough for Holmes. Accurate observations were essential for his method. You see but you do not observe said Holmes to Watson . The distinction is clear. For example you have frequently seen the steps which lead up from the hall to this room. Frequently. How often Well some hundreds of times. Then how many are there How many I don t know. Quite so You have not observed. And yet you have seen. That is just my point. Now I know that there are seventeen steps because I have both seen and observed. A Scandal in Bohemia Observations are the key to quantitative research methods. Measuring observations is the task of quantitative research. But knowing that your observations are quantifiable and constitute real evidence is no simple matter. In Chapter 2 we discovered that there is a range of ways of starting an inquiry and designing a quantitative research study. We also found that social scientists like detectives have different styles of reasoning about evidence and what constitutes evidence. Finding a clue is one thing. But making inferences judgements about the relevance of the clue is another BALNAVES AND CAPUTI matter. Holmes s criticism of the police is based on his judgement that the police not only missed the important clues but that their system for making judgements about