tailieunhanh - Oracle Essbase 9 Implementation Guide- P86

Oracle Essbase 9 Implementation Guide- P86:Essbase is a multidimensional database management system. The name Essbase stands for Extended Spread Sheet dataBASE. Using the custom add-in provides the end-user with near seamless compatibility in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program. | security 46 startup section 46 ASO about 39 366 380 aggregate storage application database creating 366-369 and BSO differences 372 cons 380 381 database 381 dynamic hierarchies 370 372 hierarchies 370 MDX functions 374 multiple hierarchies enabling 370 pros 380 stored hierarchies 370 371 ASO database about 366 aggregation 373 outline paging 372 ASOsamp 370 attribute dimensions about 72 109 creating 110 facts 110 B Block Storage Option. See BSO boolean functions @ISCHILD mbrname 179 @ISLEV 178 @ISMBR 178 BSO about 40-42 about 366 aggregate storage application database creating 367 368 and ASO differences 372 cons 379 database 381 pros 379 BSO database 366 C caches tab Essbase database 55 Calc All database calculation function 165 CALCCACHE file settings 357 calc commands and functions about 167 boolean function 178 conditionals 176 control flow 168 data declarations 167 168 date and time function 186 forecasting function 184 functional 173 math 182 member set 183 member set function 182 miscellaneous calculation function 186 operators 181 range financial function 183 184 relationship function 179 180 statistical function 185 CALC DIM function 166 CALCLIMITFORMULARECURSION memory settings 361 CALCLOCKBLOCK file settings 357 CALCPARALLEL file settings 357 calculate aggregate dimension 166 calculation 187 189 calculation file settings CALCCACHE 357 CALCLOCKBLOCK 357 CALCPARALLEL 357 DYNCALCCACHEONLY 357 EXCLUSIVECALC 357 UPDATECALC 358 calculation function 268 calculation script about 156-158 building 199 Calc command 163 commands 163 EssCmd script 204 205 executing Essbase command script Ess- Cmd used 203 executing manually EAS used 203 push down command 163 rollup command 163 running Essbase API used 208 209 running from Microsoft Excel 209 410 Download at running manually EAS used 201 202 running MaxL script used 205-207 running Microsoft Excel VBA used 211 running through Essbase Add-in 210 211