tailieunhanh - The Theory of the Design of Experiments

The Theory of the Design of Experiments là cuốn sách đề cập tới sự hạ thấp tỉ lệ giới tính người khi sinh ra. Đây là một tài liệu nghiên cứu rất tỉ mỉ về giới tính-một vấn đề đang gây sự chú ý của rất nhiều các nhà dân số học trên thế giới. Why study the theory of experiment design? Although it can be useful to know about special designs for specific purposes, experience suggests that a particular design can rarely be used directly. It needs adaptation to accommodate the circumstances of the experiment. Successful designs depend upon adapting. | Viewpoint The Theory of Evolution Is a Misnomer WAYNE M. GETZ The teaching of evolution in Amer- ican high schools is once again under siege from creationists. The recent court challenge in Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover Area School District in York County Pennsylvania is a case in point. Almost everyone accepts the occurrence of microevolutionary changes within species such as selection for mutated genes that confer resistance in insects to pesticides or in bacteria to drugs used to treat disease . multidrug-resistant strains of tuberculosis have become a problem worldwide . Creationists however demand that biology teachers be required to introduce the theory of intelligent design ID as an alternative to the theory of evolution for explaining the diversity of life on Earth and the existence of millions of different species. Opponents of this view hold that ID is not a scientific theory but a religious doctrine that will violate the US Constitution if taught in public all research biologists oppose the creationist view although many of these same biologists provide creationists with a target that serves to obfuscate rather than illuminate the breadth and depth of scientific support for evolution envisioned as an unguided self-organizing process. The target I refer to is the theory of evolution. It invokes the notion of a single refutable scientific theory with a veracity that hangs on the correct interpretation of the fossil record or on some other narrowly construed set of biological data. From our current understanding of the term scientific theory it is anachronistic to use the phrase theory of evo-lution. What constitutes a self-contained scientific theory is a subject of much philosophical hand-wringing. An acceptably succinct although not authoritative definition of a scientific theory is the following online at . org as of 2 December 2005 In various sciences a theory is a logically self-consistent model or framework for .