tailieunhanh - Đo nhiệt độ P1

Temperature Scales and Classification of Thermometers Temperature - Historical Background The concept of temperature makes one think of physiological experiences whilst touching or approaching some solid. Some of them may be described as cold, cool or tepid, others as hot or warm. Warmer bodies transfer heat to other cooler bodies . Both bodies tend to equalise their temperatures, approaching a new common intermediate temperature . Thus the correctness of the definition, given to temperature by the Scotsman James Clerk Maxwell, may be seen . He stated that the temperature ofa body is its thermal state, regarded as a measure of its. | Temperature Measurement Second Edition L. Michalski K. Eckersdorf J. Kucharski J. McGhee Copyright 2001 John Wiley Sons Ltd ISBNs 0-471-86779-9 Hardback 0-470-84613-5 Electronic Temperature Scales and Classification of Thermometers Temperature - Historical Background The concept of temperature makes one think of physiological experiences whilst touching or approaching some solid. Some of them may be described as cold cool or tepid others as hot or warm. Warmer bodies transfer heat to other cooler bodies. Both bodies tend to equalise their temperatures approaching a new common intermediate temperature. Thus the correctness of the definition given to temperature by the Scotsman James Clerk Maxwell may be seen. He stated that the temperature of a body is its thermal state regarded as a measure of its ability to transfer heat to other bodies. At the present time this definition compels the attribution of larger numerical values to those bodies which have a higher ability to transfer heat to other bodies. This definition forms the basis of all of the international temperature scales in use both presently and in the past. Science took a long difficult and tortuous route full of errors to this contemporary definition of temperature. In ancient Rome during the second century BC the physician C. Galen introduced four degrees of coldness regarding the effects of different medicines upon human organisms. These medicines were supposed either to warm or to cool them. Galen also introduced a neutral temperature attributing to it a value of zero degrees. He claimed that this neutral temperature depended upon geographical latitude. The first device which was used to measure the degree of warmth or coldness seems to have been invented by Galileo Galilei some time between the years 1592 and 1603. This instrument which is shown in Figure consisted of a glass bulb connected to a long tube immersed in a coloured liquid. After a preliminary heating of the contained gas its .