tailieunhanh - A History of the European Economy, 1000–2000

In this short book, I try to outline the history of the European economy—which is somewhat different from an economic history of Eu-rope. By “European economy,” I mean a world economy in the sense of Fernand Braudel and Immanuel Wallerstein, one that is of course located in Europe and has some common aspects and some common institutions; one that is somewhat integrated, as its different parts are linked by trade and other relations more intensively than they are linked with other sys-tems; and one that achieves some kind of organic unity (despite diversity, which is typical of Europe). | Tai lieu chi xem dupe mot so trang dau. Vui long download file goc de xem toan bo cac trang A History of the European Economy 1000-2000 Tài liệu chỉ xem được một só trang đầu. Vui lòng download file góc đế xem toàn bộ các .