tailieunhanh - Slang and uncoventional english part 103

Tham khảo tài liệu 'slang and uncoventional english part 103', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | whinge bag white 696 whinge bag noun acomplainer Formed on whinge a moaning complaint uk 2003 whingeing pom noun an English person viewed as a habitual complainer A stock Australian stereotype Australia 1962 whinger noun a person who whinges a habitualcomplainer AUSTRALIA whip noun 1 a car. Used by urban black youths uk 2004. 2 a long radio antenna us 1976. 3 a boss or supervisor us 1934. 4 a close friend Bahamas 1932. 5 rum Australia 1953 8see whip-round whip verb to arrest someone us 1971. whip it in whip it out a catchphrase that celebrates a male approach to sexualrelations. From the lyric of a rugby song Whip it in whip it out quit fucking about Yo ho yo ho yo ho . Sometimes further extended with wipe it off walk away uk 1993. whip it out to release the penis from the confines of the trousers a bold genitaldisplay us 1997. whip the cat to feel remorse to regret something Australia 1347. whip up on skippy used of a male to masturbate 2001. whip your wang used of a male to masturbate us 1969 whip and lash whip noun a moustache. Rhyming slang for tash UK 1992 whip and top whip verb to masturbate. Rhyming slang for strop UK 1992 whiplash noun a rash. Rhyming slang perhaps also a sexual innuendo uk 1993 whip off verb used of a male to masturbate us 1975 whip-out noun 1 a bankroll designed to impress when whipped out of the pocket us 1972. 2 a regular payment us 1931 whip o will noun an act of vomiting vomit. Possibly rhyming slang for spill your guts Australia 1967 whipped adjective dominated by a girlfriend or wife. A shortened form of PUSSY-WHIPPED US 1965 whipper noun 1 a small cartridge of nitrous oxide. Designed for use in making whipped cream but often abused for the psychoactive effects ofthe gas us 1936. 2 a person who enjoys being whipped in a sado-masochistic encounter us 1970 whippersnapper snapper noun a young impertinent person unmindfulof his station in life. Still heard but used with the effect of dating the speaker uk 1700 whippet noun a shotgun .