tailieunhanh - Slang and uncoventional english part 101

Tham khảo tài liệu 'slang and uncoventional english part 101', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | viper voyou 682 viper noun 1 a marijuana dealer us 1958. 2 a marijuana user A term of the 1930s with some lingering use until the 1960s us 1938 viper s weed viper s drag noun marijuana a marijuana cigarette US 1938 VIP massage noun a sexualservice offered in some massage parlours in which a hand-massage includes masturbation of the client uk 2003 VIP services noun sexual intercourse as distinct from masturbation when advertised as a service offered by a prostitute uk 2003 viral marketing noun word-of-mouth as a deliberate marketing tactic us 2000 virgin noun 1 a person who has not contracted a sexually transmitted infection us 1947. 2 a letter which has not been postmarked us 1977 virgin adjective used of a green on a par-3 hole untouched by any ballof a foursome us 2000 virgin bride virgin noun a ride especially in the sense an act of sexualintercourse. Rhyming slang now rare Australia 1902 virgin ears noun used usually in the first person for a claim of innocence in matters sexual us 1970 Virgin for short - but not for long applied to girls named Virginia. Part-catchphrase part-nickname often irresistible always hilarious uk 1984 virginia noun the vagina Bahamas 1982 Virginia vitamin noun any central nervous system stimulant us 1977 virginity curtain noun a canvas screen secured to the underside of a warship s accommodation to preserve the modesty ofthose who go up and down the gangway from those who look up Similar in purpose and design to a cunt screen uk 1969 Virgin Mary noun a non-alcoholic version of the Bloody Mary made with tomato juice horseradish Worcestershire and or Tabasco sauce celery salt and black pepper unadulterated tomato juice. A tasty pun using virgin as non-alcoholic us 1993 virgin pie noun cherry pie us 1952 virgin principle noun the belief among gamblers that a beginner willhave good luck us 1993 virgin state noun the period when a person has started using an addictive drug but is not yet fully addicted us 1970 virtual Friday noun the last