tailieunhanh - Graphically Speaking: A Visual Lexicon for Achieving Better Designer-P8

Graphically Speaking: A Visual Lexicon for Achieving Better Designer-P8: It's all too often that designers leave a meeting with clients feeling as if they've been speaking an entirely different language. Graphically Speaking solves such communication problems by breaking down client-designer dialogue into something both parties can understand. | NAME OF PIECE Twner Classic Movies 2001 recipe calendar STUDIO NAME-BAD Studio ART DIRECTOR Scott Banks DESIGNERS Scott Banks Mark McDevitt ILLUSTRATOR Mark McDevitt CLIENT Turner Classic Movies 511 WIÄS w Picnic Ftied Chicken. The inspirations for this piece were old recipe calendars of the 1940s and 19S0s explains art director Scott Bonks. By combining a historical image with anew design this package really brings the viewer bock to the times of black-ond-white television when women were shown in aprons perfecting the art of homemaking. VINTAGE 207 oar ao on on tort __ buuacMCi- M botd Stki inj t w way Vtw itwlf H J LwJJz fix v4. w t fjnHtt w U na k jrr kai n NAME OF PIECE Xilinx annual report STUDIO NAME Cahan Associates ARTDIRECTOR Bill Cahan DESIONERrkevin Roberson CUENT Xilinx Inc. CLIENTS PRODUCT Programmable logic devices The report cover with its densely packed reduced type symbolizes a tiny semiconductor chip pocked with information. The attached magnifying lens allows the reader to zoom in on the text and detailed charts. Inside photos show a series of attractions along the Technological Highway with the signage changed to reveal Xilinx s key messages explains Bill Cahan. VINTAGE 208 NAME OF PIECE Mickey Mouse and his pals mints STUDIOAMAfErDisney Design Group ART DIRECTORS Bob Holden. Patrick Scanlan DESIGNER Thomas Scott ILLUSTRATORS Mark McIntyre. Peter Emslie CUENT Wa t Disney Parks and Resorts Merchandise Thoma Scott says These mints are shaped like Disney characters so I decided to depict the actual mints on the tin. With the mint images showing full figures I could use dynamic floating heads of the Disney characters as the primary design element. Since the product appeals to an adult customer I chose a nostalgic approach to the packaging. The packaging is reminiscent of the kinds of consumer products the Disney Company licensed in the 1930s. My desire was to make this new product look like something that had been available for decades like