tailieunhanh - Graphically Speaking: A Visual Lexicon for Achieving Better Designer-P7

Graphically Speaking: A Visual Lexicon for Achieving Better Designer-P7: It's all too often that designers leave a meeting with clients feeling as if they've been speaking an entirely different language. Graphically Speaking solves such communication problems by breaking down client-designer dialogue into something both parties can understand. | top NAME OF PIECE Linda Loftus corporate identity STUDIO NAME CADDGraphics DESIGNED Julie Bateman CLIENT Linda Loftus. Sutton Group Realty CLIENTS SERVICE Commercial and industrial real estate agent My educational background was in photography which had inspired me to experiment with photo collages for backgrounds in various projects explains Julie Bateman. The client saw some of my other work and asked me to create an identity for her in that style. I incorporated various local landmarks and recognizable buildings with a dynamic color scheme. bottom NAME OF PIECE Uwajimaya Village logo and brochure STUDIO NAME Michael Courtney Design ART DIRECTOR Michael Courtney OLS GWfW Michael Courtney. Angie Moretti CLIENT Lorig Associates CLIENTPRODUCT SERVICE Real estate development Michael Courtney says The project is located in Seattle s International District an entire city block with a Pacific Rim market specialty stores and new apartments. Our studio designed the look and feel of the piece to attract on upscale audience and to convey the idea of a contemporary village. We thought the moon added charm and on unexpected twist to the piece. Uwajimaya Village iriirnd UWAJIMAYA Village SOFT 177 Russell Square RBCDEFGHUKLMN OPQRSTUVUJXYZ abcdefghijklmn oparstuvujxyz 1239567890 Engravers Gothic ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPORSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 OCRA ABCDEFGHIJKLF1N OPÖRSTUVUXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz IBBMSbZanO Industria RBCOEFßHIJHLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ äbcdefghijklmnopqrsruvujxiiz 12345G7890 lUilalall UBCDEFGHIJKimnOPORSTIiyiyHYZ abcdefjhijklmnopqrstuuiiJKyz Will Techno RBCDEFGHIJKLHin OPQRSTUUUIXVZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuuujxyz 1234567890 C100M20 Y0K50 CO M60 Y95 KO COMO YO Kl00 C0M30Y10GK10 C100M45 YO K20 CO MO YO KO C0M50Y100K0 C81 M48 Y25 K9 C50 M3 2 Y20 KO C75 MO Y5 KO CO MO YO K80 CO MO YO KO C1O0M60Y0K0 C70 M30 YO KO CO MO YO KO C60 MO YO K5 C80 M90 YO KO C30M0 Y100 K20 C0M10Y70K15 C35 MO YO K35 C0M0Y0 K100 C85 M35 YO K20 C10M20Y100K0 C0M75 Y100 KO Techno color SynonijniS automated

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