tailieunhanh - Graphically Speaking: A Visual Lexicon for Achieving Better Designer-P2

Graphically Speaking: A Visual Lexicon for Achieving Better Designer-P2: It's all too often that designers leave a meeting with clients feeling as if they've been speaking an entirely different language. Graphically Speaking solves such communication problems by breaking down client-designer dialogue into something both parties can understand. | top NAME OF PIECE Staci Frenes promotional brochure STUDIO NAME Chen Design Associates ART DIRECTOR Joshua C. Chen DESIGNER Joshua C. Chen PHOTOGRAPHERS Chen Design Associates lightworks Photography CLIENT Longshot Management CLIENTSPRODUCT SERVICE Recording company SPECIAL PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES The photos were color-edited in Adobe Photoshop to give them a uniform color palette cool grays warm grays warm reds and color-saturated photos . The goal explains Joshua Chen was to showcase the songwriting and singing talents of local independent artist Staci Frenes. We wonted to develop a look and feel for her that would pick up on the Bay Area urban vibe which informs her acoustic-rock textural original and accessible music. This is a songwriter who knows that performance is connection with people and connection with people means having something compelling to say. bottom NAME OF PIECE Walt Disney World Food Service Purchasing Trade Show 2000 logo STUDIO NAME Disney Design Group ART DIRECTOR Renee Schneider DESIGNER Joe Andrews CLIENT la i Disney World Resort CLIENTSPRODUCT SERVICE Food and beverage purchasing I was given the challenge to create a logo that would portray the event and also represent the venue where the event was to be held Walt Disney World9 Resort explains Joe Andrews. After sketching some ideas I settled on the silhouette of Mickey Mouse s head and cooking- and serving-ware for the visuals. I then combined them so that the utensils and pans abstractly hinted at Mickey s silhouette in a stained-glass-like design. The result a very artistic interpretation that is reminiscent of a Mondrian painting. Image @ Disney. wait dishly world FOOD SERVICE PURCHASING ANNUALTRABESHOWZOOO ARTISTIC 27 NAME OF PIECE Blakeley Commons brochure folder STUDIO NAME Emma Wilson Design Company ART DIRECTOR Emma Wilson and Micki Dahl Christensen DESIGNER Emma Wilson ILLUSTRATOR Joy Rubin CLIENT Blakeley Commons. LLC CLIENTSPRODUCT SERVICE Condominium developer SPECIAL .