tailieunhanh - Barron's writing for the toefl ibt part 32

There- are three steps in creating an essay: planning, writing, and revising. Writing forth TOEFL iBT provides a step-by-step guide for planning, writing, and revising your essays for both the Integrated Task and the Independent Task on the TOEFL iBT You will learn to follow a simple three-step model and practice applying it to writing both types of essays. | 220 Writing for the TOEFL BT PRACTICE 7 Isabel the sentences by their type in the following essay. Simple S Complex Cx Compound C Compound-Complex C-Cx Topic 12 ------- Why People Visit Museums 2__ People visit museums for a number of reasons. They visit museums when traveling to new places because a museum tells them 4. a lot about the culture of those places. They also go to museums to have fun. People also are usually interested in museums that feature unusual subjects. Its impossible to get bored in a museum. When visiting someplace new you can find out about the culture 7. ------------ of that place by going to a movie or a place of worship or a night- g club. Another option is to sit in the park and listen to the people around you. The easiest way to learn about a place though is by vis-9. iting its museums. Museums will show you the history of the place IQ you re visiting. They will show you what art the locals think is impor- tant. If there aren t any museums that tells you something too. 11. _ 12. Museums are ftm. Even if you re not interested in art or history 13 there is always something to get your attention. Many museums now have hands-on exhibits. These exhibits usually involve activ-14. ---------- itics like pushing a button and hearing more about what you re 15 __ looking at or using similar materials to create your own work of art or trying on clothes like those on the models in the museum. 16. _ People also enjoy museums about unusual subjects. For instance I y in my hometown there s a museum devoted to the potato. This museum has art made out of potatoes it tells all about the history 18 ---------- of the potato and it sells potato mementos like key chains and 19 potato dolls. People enjoy this museum because it s so unusual. 20. ---------- People everywhere like museums. They like learning about inter- 21 esting and unusual things. No matter who you are or what you like there is a