tailieunhanh - Burlingame Magic Tricks ( Những mánh khóe ảo thuật)

Tài liệu dạy cách làm ảo thuật, với những mánh khoé ảo thuật đơn giản như vậy bạn đã trở thành ảo thuật gia. Tài liệu chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo. Tài liệu tiếng Anh. The effects in this pamphlet are selected from among those secrets that have become common property in the magical field, and are given just as sent out by the vendors, except that the orthography has been corrected. | Tricks in Magic Illusions and Mental Phenomena Volume I . Burlingame To the Reader Handkerchief Multiplication Now You See it Now You Don t Handkerchief Soup Plate and Handkerchief Mephisto s Glass Cylinders The Flight Through Crystals The Chameleon Handkerchiefs New Postal Card Trick Card Nailed Between Boards Demon Cards Pipe Trick The Wa-Ha-Gi Billiard Ball Magic Die Flowers and Glass Box Ice Freezing Extraordinary New Programme Ring and Envelopes Trick Bertram s Programme and Coin Trick New Chair Mystery How to Tell Numbers of Borrowed Watches Slade s Wonderful Spirit Knots Dexter s Sealed Cord Test Bellachini s Cabinet Mystery The Three Knotted Charmed Handkerchiefs The Eglinton Rope Test One of the Davenport Rope Ties Braid and Tape Test The Medium s Ties Similar to No. 23 New Spirit Post New Spirit Hand The Mystery of L Hassa New Spirit Pictures Shrine of Koomra Sami Mysterious Cabinet of the Spirit Circle Under Test Conditions Great Mahatma Miracles One Way of Producing Great Mahatma Miracles One Method of Materialization and Dematerialization Kellar s New Karmos Silent Thought Transference New Silent Second Sight and Bank Note Test Second Sight Through Brick Walls Psychonotism or Silent Thought Transmission The Spirit Thinkerphone or Marvelous Vision Taschypsychography or Long Distance Second Sight Hypnognotism The Great Shooting Act Head of Ibykus or Talking Skull The Mango Tree Queen of Knives The Appearing Lady The Escape from Sing Sing Rapid Transit Noah s Ark The Oriental Barrel Mystery The Artist s Dream New Half Lady Illusion Edgar Poe s Raven in the Garland of Thebes Samuel s Cartomantic Floral Charm Samuel Mystic Percolator Samuel s Wonder Kraut Samuel s Magic Squeezers Samuel s Wine Tassels Samuel s Bloodstone Wonder Samuel s Handkerchief Tassel Samuel s Golden Flash of Light Mahatmas Tricks in Magic Illusions and Mental Phenomena . Burlingame Next Previous Contents To the Reader The effects in this pamphlet are selected from among those .