tailieunhanh - Real World Adobe InDesign CS4- P7

Real World Adobe InDesign CS4- P7: The book uses Robert Slimbach’s Minion Pro, an Adobe OpenType face, which was particularly useful when moving files across platforms. Code samples are set in Lucas de Groot’s TheSansMonoCondensed. A few other fonts were used for example characters. | 168 REAL WORLD ADOBE INDESIGN CS4 TABLE 3-4 Date Format Shortcuts Category Type Placeholder Example Time Hour 1-12 h 1 Hour 01-12 hh 01 Hour 1-23 H 1 Hour 01-23 HH 01 Minute m 1 Minute 00 mm 01 Second s 1 Second 00 ss 01 AM PM a AM Time Zone zzzz Pacific Daylight Time Time Zone Short z PDT Day Number d 1 Number 01 dd 01 Name EEEE Tuesday Name Short E Tue Month Number M 4 Number 01 MM 04 Name MMMM April Name Short MMM Apr Year Number yyyy 2007 Number Short y 07 Era G AD Era Long GGGG Anno Domini Simply enters AM or PM does not provide for other capitalization punctuation or formatting options. On the Mac OS CA is appended to this example. We don t know why as there are plenty of people who live in this time zone who do not live in California. It s vaguely offensive. Simply enters AD or we assume BC. Does not provide for other capitalization punctuation . . or alternative formats . CE or BCE . If your system clock is entering dates from an earlier or later era there s probably something wrong. 181 08 04 2009 05 54 29 . FIGURE 3-32 Inserting a Text Variable InDesign inserts a text variable instance in the text. CHAPTER 3. TEXT 169 The code name for this project is Always name when referring to the project in pub Select a text variable from the Insert Variable submenu of the Context menu. The code name for this project is-Ragnar TTairybreeks. Always use the code name when referring to the project in public 4. Select a text variable type from the Type pop-up menu. The dialog fills in with the options for that variable type. 5. Make changes to the options shown in the dialog box to define your new text variable. When the settings look the way you want them to click the OK button to close the dialog box and return to the Text Variables dialog box. 6. Click the Done button to close the Text Variables dialog box. Text variables are stored within the current file. If you want to create a text variable that is available in all .