of make-up bills, the Commission is utilizing this Secretarial Letter to . seeking to have make-up bills issued to consumers to prepare a draft letter for . | COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION . BOX 3265, HARRISBURG, PA 17105-3265 IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO OUR FILE April 3, 2002 To: Electric Stakeholders Re: Delayed Billing Issues Docket No.: M-00021604 Through the normal course of monitoring developments in the electric generation retail market, the Commission has become aware of a situation in which electric generation suppliers (EGSs) have failed to timely submit customer billing data to electric distribution companies (EDCs) who are providing consolidated billing services to the EGSs. Specifically, in these cases, the EDCs are responsible for issuing a consolidated bill to the retail customer that contains both its charges as well as those of the EGS. Under the electronic data transaction rules that have been established for electric choice, the EGS must timely submit necessary billing data, such as the rate per kilowatt hour, to the EDC for use in preparing the consolidated bill. It appears that as a result of several EGSs failing to promptly transmit this data to EDCs, some electric customers have not received bills for services rendered over a period of several months. The Commission’s primary concern is to avoid the unbridled issuance of make-up bills to these customers. Rather, the Commission desires to oversee this process to ensure that consumers are adequately informed about their rights and obligations with respect to any make-up bills that might be issued. Additionally, the Commission wishes to guard against EGSs imposing unmanageable or unreasonable burdens on EDCs through transmitting vast quantities of prior months’ billing data for inclusion in consolidated bills. Prior to setting forth the guidelines that should govern the issuance of make-up bills under these circumstances, the Commission believes that some preliminary comments are appropriate. Specifically, the Commission reminds EGSs of the obligation in 52 Pa. Code § to render bills every billing period to .