tailieunhanh - Cách dùng tiếng Anh P8

headquarter The verb headquarter occurs in both transitive and intransitive senses: The magazine has headquartered the reporters in a building that houses many foreign journalists. The European correspondent will headquarter in Paris. But this verb usage does not sit well with many people, and in an earlier survey a majority of the Usage Panel found both these examples unacceptable in formal writing. Although there is a lot of evidence for these usages, you would do best to use alternative expressions, for example: The magazine has just assigned him to (or has stationed him in) a building that houses many foreign journalists | headquarter The verb headquarter occurs in both transitive and intransitive senses The magazine has headquartered the reporters in a building that houses many foreign journalists. The European correspondent will headquarter in Paris. But this verb usage does not sit well with many people and in an earlier survey a majority of the Usage Panel found both these examples unacceptable in formal writing. Although there is a lot of evidence for these usages you would do best to use alternative expressions for example The magazine has just assigned him to or has stationed him in a building that houses many foreign journalists. The European correspondent will make her headquarters in Paris or will make Paris her headquarters . healthy healthful Some people like to maintain a distinction between healthy and healthful. Healthy they say should be used to mean possessing good health and only healthful should mean conducive to good health. People who hold this view are swimming against the tide of history for healthy has been used to mean healthful since the 16th century. You can find the healthful use of healthy in the works of many distinguished writers with this example from John Locke being typical Gardening . and working in wood are fit and healthy recreations for a man of study or business. Therefore both healthy and healthful are correct in these contexts a healthy climate a healthful climate a healthful diet a healthy diet. historic historical Historic and historical have different usages though their senses overlap. Historic refers to what is important in history the historic first voyage to the Moon. It is also used of what is famous or interesting because of its association with persons or events in history a historic house. Historical refers to whatever existed in the past whether regarded as important or not a minor historical character. Historical also refers to anything concerned with history or the study of the past a historical novel historical discoveries. .