tailieunhanh - Peterson’s master toefl vocabulary part 16

The information at the very end of the entry is the etymology or history of the word. This shows how the word was formed and came into English. A thesaurus is a reference book that contains synonyms and antonyms. The word thesaurus comes from a Greek word that means "collection' or "treasure." | 96 PART III TOEFL Vocabulary Review Vocabulary Builder 1 Directions There are fifteen words hidden in this word-find puzzle. Every word begins with A. To complete the puzzle locate and circle all the words. The words may be written forward backward or upside down. a a a a s s i d u o u s y a q a b h o r k k q q a a r m a b r o g a t e z q s p o p l w d n o c s b a v y o t h u x a d m o n i s h l s a i t n e l a v i b m a u t l b i z e t o d i t n a m l u i o z a n t i p a t h y e b o n v a p p e a s e z z x m u a g g r a n d i z e x x a s h e y a n t i t h e s i s x Vocabulary Builder 1 Answers 1. abhor to turn away from loathe 2. abrogate to repeal do away with 3. abscond to steal away and hide 4. admonish to strongly urge or caution 5. aggrandize to make more powerful important or wealthier 6. ambivalent having conflicting emotions 7. ambulatory able to move 8. amphibious capable of living both on land and in water 9. antidote a remedy against a poison 10. antipathy a strong feeling of dislike hostility aversion 11. antithesis a contrast of ideas Chapter 5 All About Roots 97 12. apostle a person sent away to deliver a message 13. appease to pacify bring toward peace 14. assiduous diligent industrious 15. asylum a place of security or retreat LEARNING WORDS WITH GREEK ROOTS Many of the words we use every day come from Greek roots. This is especially true of the language of scientific words because much of the language of science was created primarily from Greek roots. Scientific words often appear on standardized tests. Greek Roots for Measurement You ll notice that some of the roots have more than one spelling. For example macro and mega both mean large. Read the following chart over several times and you ll soon get accustomed to the slight variations in spelling. Root Meaning Example Definition acr topmost acrophobia fear of high places ak-roh- oA-bee-uh arch prot first archbishop prototype highest bishop first of its kind chron time chronicle