tailieunhanh - Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 15
Most questions will indicate which part of the reading passage is being asked about. Work through each passage answering the questions, using the process we describe in the following pages. | Chapter 3 Developing Reading Comprehension Skills 89 5. In the postwar years Germany A had a booming industrial program B had difficulty paying reparations C was optimistic about the future D None of the above. 6. Roosevelt s New Deal advocated A government spending to provide employment B providing support for the poor and unemployable C government aid to farmers D All of the above. 7. Four terms of office as President of the United States would mean A eight years in office B four years in office C sixteen years in office D until he dies in office QUESTIONS 8-15 ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. On September 2 1945 the Communist Viet Minh party took over Vietnam and declared the country autonomous. The French however backed by the British 5 returned to Vietnam and forced the Viet Minh to attend the Fountainebleau Conference in 1946. Ho Chi Minh the Viet Minh leader was inflexible in his demands for unification of his country. 10 The French had divided it into three parts Cochin China in the south Tonkin in the middle and Annam in the north. A French decree making Cochin China a separate republic closed the door on any 15 possible negotiations at the conference. War broke out between the French and the Viet Minh. In the conflict the United States supported the French while the Chinese 20 and the Soviets backed the Viet Minh. By 1954 public disapproval of the war and its financial burden forced the French to withdraw. At a peace confer ence in Geneva Vietnam was divided 25 with the proviso that reunification would take place by elections two years later. The Communists in North Vietnam and the anti-Communists in South Vietnam refused to collaborate. Led by Ngo Dinh 30 Diem whose regime was backed by the United States the South Vietnamese prevented unification elections and persecuted Communists in their region. In January 1959 militant Hanoi Commu- 35 nists again declared war this time against their own neighbors in the south. The United States involvement in .
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