tailieunhanh - English Skills - Through Pictures (Phần 2) part 10

Tham khảo tài liệu 'english skills - through pictures (phần 2) part 10', ngoại ngữ, anh ngữ phổ thông phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | What is your name the man on the right asks. The other man answers My name is Jean Schmidt. Where do you come from What is the country of your birth Where were you bom These are different ways of asking the same question. Geneva Switzerland answers Jean Schmidt Have you any relations in this country Yes I have one. My uncle my father s brother lives in Boston Massachusetts . ask puts o question. ORiwtru gives on answer. barm given birth or given being. any one or more some. In answering the question Have you any money we soy Yes I hove same not Yes I have any . If we have no money we say No I haven t any. relation parson of same family. uncle father s or mother s brother. will ask wiU answer ask _ answer s asked answered 2 3 When were you bom Give me the date of your birth. What is your age I was bom on January 10 1920. I am thirty-seven years old . When were you at school How long were you there How many years were you at school I was at school eight years. What work do you do What is your occupation I am a cook. JANUffir 1 i 1 4 T 6 7 T 9 io TT ĨĨ Ĩ3IĨĨ 15 16 data day of tho month and year. If you give the day. month and year of your birth that II a way of giving your age laying how old you are. age your age II the number of yean you have lived. how many what number of. many a great number of. occupation work. cook penon who makes food ready by heating 289 paoplo man and woman and bay and girls are paopla. .