tailieunhanh - The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks- P5

The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks- P5:Apart from writing books like this one, I write code. I make my living by building web sites and applications as, I’m sure, many readers of this book do. I use CSS to complete jobs every day, and I know what it’s like to struggle to make CSS work when the project needs to be finished the next morning. | Text Styling and Other Basics 57 chapter02 li display inline The result of this style rule is depicted in Figure . Big Widgets Small Widgets Short Widgets Tall Widgets Figure . Displaying a list horizontally How do I remove page margins The default styles of most browsers add margin or padding between the browser chrome and the page content this is so that text in an unstyled page stops short of the edge of the browser window. You ll probably want to remove this gap or dictate the size of it rather than leave it up to the browser. Solution To remove all margin and padding around your content use the following style rules which have been defined for the body element body margin 0 padding 0 The result is shown in Figure . Download at 58 The CSS Anthology A O O Chapter 2 Chinese-style stuffed peppers These stuffed peppers are lovely as a starter or as a side dish for a Chinese meal. They also go down well as part of a buffet and even children seem to like them. Ingredients 1 tablespoon of oil 1 crushed garlic clove Peeled and finely chopped fresh ginger root 250g minced pork beef or Quorn 1 chopped spring onion 1 chopped celery stick Grated rind of 1 lemon Finely chopped red chilli optional 4 large green peppers Figure . Removing the default margins and padding from the page body How can I remove browsers default padding and margins from all elements The display that you see in a browser when you view an unstyled document is the result of the browser s internal style sheet. Often the differences that arise in the way various browsers display an unstyled page occur because those browsers have slightly different internal style sheets. Solution One way to solve this problem is to remove the default margins and padding from all elements before you create your styles. The following rule will set the padding and margins on all elements to zero. It will have the effect of causing every element on the page paragraphs .

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13    123    0    26-06-2024