tailieunhanh - Heat Transfer Handbook part 145

Heat Transfer Handbook part 145. The Heat Transfer Handbook provides succinct hard data, formulas, and specifications for the critical aspects of heat transfer, offering a reliable, hands-on resource for solving day-to-day issues across a variety of applications. | 1440 SUBJECT INDEX Fabrication of composites 1270-1271 Face-centered cubic FCC lattice 1313 1314 1320-1321 Fahrenheit temperature scale 917 Falkner Skan flow 454-455 Fan-cooled heat sinks 952 Favorable tilt 1196 FCC lattice see Face-centered cubic lattice Fermi Dirac distribution 1316 Fermi energy 1315-1316 Ferrous alloys 869 FG criteria 1038 Fiberdeformation 1268 Fibernetwork 1267 Figures of merit FOM 1016 1017 heat pipes 1211-1212 jet impingement cooling 999 1000 Fillerconcentration 979 Films liquid 689 lubricating 1258-1259 oxide 594-595 Film boiling 638 660-662 Film condensation 723-732 751 bond number 727 on low-fins 723-727 sawtooth fin condensing tubes 730-732 on single horizontal finned tubes 727-732 specified interfaces 725-727 surface tension pressure gradient 724-725 trapezoidal fin tubes 728-730 on tube bundles 769-780 in-tube condensers 779-780 X-shell condensers 770-779 vapor space 721-723 Film condensers 1365-1366 Film resistance high-fin exchangers 876-877 longitudinal finned double-pipe heat exchangers 862 Filters Kalman Bucy 1291-1292 Fins annular 206 circular-tube louvered 1060 circumferential 206 concave parabolic 203 205-206 212-214 longitudinal convecting 203 205-206 optimal dimensions of convecting 212-214 conduction heat transfer with 201 longitudinal convecting fins 202-207 longitudinal convecting radiating fins 212 longitudinal radiating fins 211-212 optimum dimensions of convecting fins and spines 212-215 radial convecting fins 206-209 convecting 202-207 212-215 longitudinal 202-207 longitudinal convecting radiating 212 optimal dimensions of 212-214 radial 206-209 convex parabolic 203 206 extruded 860 film condensation on low-fins 723-727 hyperbolic 208 209 longitudinal convecting 202-207 longitudinal convecting radiating 212 longitudinal radiating 211-212 louvered 846 1060 low-fins 723-727 notched 1073 offset 846 oval-tube louvered 1060 perforated 846 pin 846 plain 846 849 851 radial convecting 206-209 radiating 211-212 rectangular .