tailieunhanh - Heat Transfer Handbook part 144

Heat Transfer Handbook part 144. The Heat Transfer Handbook provides succinct hard data, formulas, and specifications for the critical aspects of heat transfer, offering a reliable, hands-on resource for solving day-to-day issues across a variety of applications. | 1430 SUBJECT INDEX Center for Information and Numerical Data Synthesis and Analysis CINDAS 121 122 Centerline-average CLA roughness 340-341 Central differences 238 Cerium 125 Cesium 125 CFD computational fluid dynamics codes 445 CF tubes see Circular fin tubes Channels optimal sizes for 413-419 porous media as fill in 1144-1145 thermal spreading and contact resistances in 272-274 Channel Elenbaas number E 9 Chapman Enskog dilute gas contribution 115 Chapman Enskog dilute gas viscosity 115 Char 619 Chato s correlation 752-753 759-760 Chauvenet s criterion 923-924 Chemical reaction fouling 893 Chen correlation 672-673 761 763 Chen Engel model 331 332 Chevron angle 882 883 Chevron corrugation 880 881 CHF see Critical heat flux Chip formation 1246-1250 Chip packages 952-955 Chip package resistance 962-964 Chip package transients 981-985 Chip period chip package temporal behavior 981-984 Chip temperature measurement 1018 Chi-square test 924-926 Chromium 125 869 Churchill Usagi method 334 Churn flow 663 664 CINDAS see Center o r hóm-mol 10a and Numerical Data Synthesis and Analysis Circle correlation coefficients 285 Circularannulararea 283-284 Circular area on a half-space 274-277 isoflux 285-286 on single layer coating on latlf-space 295-296 Circular fin CF tubes 846-847 Circular flux tubes with multiple layers 302-304 semi-infinite isotropic 298-302 Circular tubes compact leat exclangers 844 laminar force onnvcctinn in. 599 600 thermal spreading and contact resistances 298-304 turbulent force connection in 959 960 Circular-tube louvered fins 1060 Circumlerential fins 206 CLA see Centerline-average roughness Classical size effect 965 Clinical thermometers 931 Closed-loop immersion cooling systems 1012-1014 CMOS complementary metal oxide on silicon 949 Coal dispersions pulnerized 620-621 Coatings assumed nominal property nalues of 370 circular area on a half-space 295-296 effectineness of 371-372 metallic 363-372 Cobalt 126 Co-current flow e Mu method for 809 Co-current